Wednesday, November 18, 2009

literacy units

Choose your favorite literacy unit and tell why you like it best.

Choices: comic books, science magazine, history interview, book blurbs, fantasy, poetry, historical fiction, biography


  1. My favorite literacy unit was the science magazine. Surprise! Of course I would pick the science magazine because I am the science teacher. This is my favorite subject. I love to do science experiments with students.

  2. My favorite literacy unit (so far) has been the book blurbs. The students were able to recognize the different blurbs as well as create bluirbs of their own.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think my favorite unit so far was the historical fiction reading unit. Like Linda, I liked it best because it is connected to what I teach - history!

  4. I loved the comic book writing. The students were very creative!!

  5. My favorite unit was biography. I like power Point presentations.

  6. I love it for biography. Because i good for powerpoint I skill for this one. Very important Sign language for presentations.

  7. My favorite was biography because power point.
